The Problem Is Manageable - I Swear
I have a confession to make. ...I'm a Food Network masochist. I've made it through most of my life without tuning in to the Channel of Temptation, mostly because I'm a decent cook who can improvise with what we have on hand. Not to mention I'm a huge fan of the Cook This, Not That! cook books, and I never really had a reason to venture outside of the norm. But then I had my baby and I did the whole "stay-at-home-with-a-colicky-ish-infant" thing, and I found that if I watched one more minute of CNN I was going to start barking like Wolf Blitzer. I needed something that wasn't violent, obnoxious, overly flashy, or commercial heavy. (Side note: do you have any idea how difficult that is to find between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM?!) So, whilst channel surfing during my pumpkin's nap time, I stumbled upon the Food Network. I thought "Huh...this could work. *click* 'The Pioneer Woman'? Sounds interesting." And that's ...